ANTEDIS conducts V.C.U.S (Value for Cultivation Use and Sustainability) evaluation trials regarding the nitrogen efficiency of soft winter wheat varieties in order to have them registrered on the A List of the French official catalog of varieties. We follow strict protocols established by the « Straw Cereals » department of the CTPS Institute. These trials are designed to test the nitrogen efficiency of varieties in terms of yield performance and protein levels which is obtained by calculating the Yield response curve of each tested variety based on 3 levels of N fertilization (X units, X-80 units and X+40 units).
The plots chosen to conduct nitrogen efficiency assessment trials have a low level of nitrogen in their soil, are fully equiped for proper irrigation and meet our agronomic condition requirements such as uniformity, soil and climate representativeness.
Key observations of the experiment protocol :
- Date of emergence
- Number of plants/m² at emergence
- Nitrogen residue after winter
- Date of the 1cm crown stage
- Nitrogen fertilization management
- Date of heading
- Number of ears / m²
- Sampling the reference variety for each of the 3 N levels
- Collecting 1 medium size sample per plot for soil water content measurement
- Raw weight at harvest on each field plot
- Specific weight
- Collecting a medium size sample per variety and per management practice for technological assessements
- Measuring post-harvest Nitrogen residue level