ANTEDIS has been conducting Orobanche trials for the past 5 years and is actively involved in the GIE PROCOLZA breeding program for selecting orobanche resistant lines. The GIE PROCOLZA includes most of the seed companies operating in France and the University of Nantes.
ANTEDIS creates nurseries (patchwork experiments for instance) for the testing of disease resistance on:
Barley, Soft Wheat, Durum Wheat...
Every year, we conduct agricultural experiments on plant density for oilseed rape and straw cereals.Field trials are sown using a row crop planter or precision seed drill.
ANTEDIS conducts frost resistance trials on the border of the Jura region (in particular for flax cultivation).
We have a large network of farmers and our own irrigation stations to conduct water stress studies.
For all other seed studies, we offer our long experience and knowledge of our traisl sites to conduct your field experiments. Please feel free to contact us for any specific needs.
For all other questions or to request a quote, please contact our experts:
Directeur opérationnel Expérimentation variétale | Référent terrain multi-espèces région OUEST | Maïs, Tournesol, Sorgho, Soja, Céréales et protéagineux de printemps
Operations Director of the Variety Assessment activity | Fieldwork reference contact for WEST area | Corn Maize, Sunflower, Sorghum, Winter Protein crops...
Directeur opérationnel Expérimentation variétale | Référent terrain multi-espèces région SUD | Céréales d’hiver
Operations Director of the Variety Assessment activity | Fieldwork reference contact for SOUTHERN area | Winter Cereal crops, Corn Maize, Sunflower, Sorghum, Winter Protein crops...
Directeur opérationnel Expérimentation variétale | Référent terrain multi-espèces région NORD | Colza, Céréales de printemps, Protéagineux de Printemps...
Operations Director of the Variety Assessment activity | Fieldwork reference contact for NORTHERN area | Rape, spring Cereal Crops, spring Protein Crops...